Geometry Dash Magma Bound

Geometry Dash Magma Bound is a user-level game developed by ScorchVx within the Geometry Dash community. The level has Insane Demon difficulty, 10 stars, and 2 user coins. With a total of 143,883 objects, this level is definitely a challenge that only experienced dashers can master. Let's dash it up!


Geometry Dash Magma Bound starts gently with a dash orb and ScorchVx logo, leading into a fast-paced cube section with animated purple volcano decorations and magenta clouds. Next is the Spider 4X part, where players face scenes of lava and giant fire worms.  The impressive robot part comes later, with the lava squid bobbing its head to the music. The dragon swallows you, setting off a vivid, visceral scene. The climax is the appearance of an animated red devil, dancing and chasing through a hellish scene. The level ends when the volcano erupts, leaving an unforgettable mark.

Besides the main gameplay, players can search and collect two user coins at positions 35% and 55%. The first coin is in the robot segment, and the second one is in the cube section.

Interesting Trivia

  • Magma Bound received a nomination for Best Themed Level at the 2.1 Geometry Dash Awards.
  • This game ranks 63rd in GDToday's 100 Greatest Levels of All Time list.
  • The characters appearing in the game are all famous icons, such as Burmy and Durmy, Petey the Dragon, Mr. Havok, and more.

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