Lava Bird

Welcome to the hot lava cave with Lava Bird's uncompromising confrontations! This action game is ready to plunge you into non-stop confrontation. You can participate in single-player mode or two-player mode. In solo play, you maneuver your bird to avoid obstacles and attack opponents. Meanwhile, the two-player mode will be a duel round with another bird.

The game requires extreme concentration to dodge uncontrollable flying bullets. Besides, the sound of the game can cause a certain amount of distraction because of its catchy engagement. Therefore, you can consider turning off the sound if necessary.

Understand Game Rules

  • Characters in Lava Bird move in a flappy style.
  • Every time you flap your wings, the character will shoot you a fireball.
  • If these fireballs hit an opponent, you receive one point.
  • The more you progress, the more difficult the game becomes.
  • If your bird hits the bullets, the ground, or the ceiling, you lose.
  • In two-player mode, the player who scores five points first wins.

How to Control

  • Single-player Mode: Use the left-click button.
  • Two-player Mode: Player 1 uses the W key, and Player 2 uses the up arrow key.

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