
Tag is a classic game with challenging gameplay. Prepare yourself for a breathtaking chase now! In this game, you and your friends will participate in uncompromising chases. Players will take turns being the chaser and the runner, with the only goal being to touch the opponent to switch roles. Can you maintain your position and become the ultimate winner?

Not just a duel, you can participate in Tag with up to four players. You will not know what your initial role is until you enter the main round. Pay attention to the arrow symbol to identify the pursuer. Every time this character collides with another object, the roles will be swapped. When the time ends, whichever character holds the arrow will lose.

How to Control

After you select the game mode, the screen will display command-key instructions for each player. Remember the character's headband color to locate it on the map.

Tips and Tricks

  • Learn the map: Each map in the game contains hidden shortcuts and special terrain. Take time to explore to find favorable positions to hide or ambush your opponents.
  • Use terrain: Take advantage of obstacles and hidden corners on the map to deceive opponents and create unexpected catches.
  • Master movement skills: Practice flexible movement skills to avoid your opponent's touches and create a safe distance.

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